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Golden Peak Pickleball Center

461 Vail Valley Dr, Vail, CO 81657, US


This league has not published any scheduled Open Play Sessions yet.

League Specific Rules Rules apply Rules USA-NPL.
National Pickleball Open League Official League Rules National Pickleball Leagues are OPEN to everyone, to every Recreational, League and Tournament player out there, regardless of age, gender, physical ability or pickleball rating. There is a place for everyone. Play any member any time, on any court of any age and skill level, in any game format (Recreational, League or Tournament) in your country of residence and your game will count towards the National Pickleball League in your country of residence. Games are played individually and scored to 11, win by 2.

Play Format

Open Play Singles: Play as many games as you want with as many opponents as you like. You may play more than one game with the same opponent.
Open Play Doubles: Play as many games as you want with as many different teammates as you like, against any combination of opponents as you like. Your team may play more than one game with the same combination of opponents.

General Play Format Conditions
  • During the season, teammates and opponents may play with players of any age, rating, or gender, as long as they are paid up members your games played will count towards your league standing.
  • The goal is to play as many games as you can to accumulate wins and points.
  • Matches: records the scores of individual games, we do not record scores as matches.

Play to 11. Win by 2.
  • Scores to be entered immediately on the website or mobile app (coming soon) by the designated score keeper upon conclusion of your game.
  • Any player can enter the game score. The other player(s) may confirm/edit the score within 7 days of it being recorded. Scores that are not confirmed within the 7 day period will be automatically logged as accepted by our system.
  • In the case where both players are unable to come to an agreement regarding score, please report the issue on the Scoring dashboard on our website or in the mobile app. The match outcome will then be decided by the team and/or the local League Ambassador.
  • If a score is not reported on the day of the game, it will be nullified and you will not be able to enter it into our system. If an issue arises from reporting the score, contact your league ambassador or report it here.
  • automatically attributes the game score to you and your opponents as well as to your teammate in a doubles game. You do not need to enter scores multiple times.

Scheduling Games
  • Players are responsible for scheduling their own games, times and reserving their own courts with their opponents. The flexibility to schedule play is totally up to you.  Should your opponent no-show,  kindly reach out to us if the opponent becomes a repeat offender.  Repeat Offenders may be banned from playing in any games for one year.
  • Balls: Each player should bring their own balls as a precaution.

Your local area Rec. rules apply
  • Any fair method can be used to determine which player or team has first choice of side, service, or receive. Some examples include coin toss or writing a 1 or 2 on the back of a score sheet or any piece of paper.
  • Please refer to the USA_Pickleball_Rulebook for more details.

Honor System
  • Line calls must be made immediately by the side playing the ball. Otherwise, the ball will be considered in. If, during a doubles match, one partner calls the ball out and the other partner on the same team overrules the call, the ball will be considered in.
  • Any questionable calls should be in favor of your opponent.
  • If you request the opinion of your opponent, you should accept his/her opinion.
  • Ultimately, any rule of play in question should reference the USPA rulebook found here.

Choosing Courts
  • Players choose any location to play that is convenient for all players.
  • Know your court, and let your opponent know your court. Factors such as when the lights shut off, court reservation times, cracks and other court issues should be communicated to your opponent ahead of time. If a match is interrupted for any reason, please try to agree on another day and time. 
  • Fees: If your selected court has court fees, you are required to notify your opponent in advance. If they do not want to pay court fees, you will have to cover their cost or find a new facility. is not responsible for and will not reimburse any court fees.

  • You may not join or sign-up to the or play any opponent, with or without a teammate, should you have any health issues that prevent you from engaging in physical activity or if a doctor has warned you that engaging in physical activity may be of danger to your well-being. We know injuries are a part of pickleball. As such, at all times your participation in any game against other members constitutes your acknowledgement that you are voluntarily participating in the game, and you agree to assume all risks of injury that might result.
  • By participating in an game you certify that you are sufficiently physically fit for exercise activities and participation in games and that you have consulted a physician prior to undertaking any physical exercise. You agree to waive any claims or rights that you might otherwise have to sue your teammate, opponent(s),, its owners, officers, ambassadors or employees by starting a game. 

  • League Results: can be found by visiting your “Dashboard” and selecting "View League Results" on our website or mobile app. Ranking results will be published as they become official.
  • Game Scores: your game scores are shown on your "Dashboard" and you will see all games as and when they have been entered by the game scorer. You can view past games by clicking on the calendar.
  • Game Protests: You can formally submit a protest by selecting the game and clicking on report. This should be a last resort between you and your opponent. See "Breaking the League Rules" bellow.
  • Contact Details: You must have accurate phone, email, and information on your profile before the season begins.
  • Fees and Dues: Your league fees must be paid in full before the season begins. Players will not be able to play a game with you until you are paid up. You will not be able to record scores towards your league ranking should you not be paid in full.
  • Teens and Minors: Currently Teens and Minors may not sign-up and join the league. The will make an announcement in the near future when Teens and Minors may join provided their guardian approves and authorizes the payment of their league fees.
  • Warm-up: A 10-minute warm-up is our recommendation. Please do not go over 10 minutes for your warm-up.
  • Unsportsmanlike Behavior: We ask that you DO NOT join the league if you cannot act mature and be respectful. If someone is not upholding these values, please report it to your Ambassador. After three reports, a player may be banned from the league and any affiliated events.
  • Coaching: No coaching is allowed during games at any time during a game.
  • Filming: Filming or streaming of matches is allowed only if you have obtained written permission from your opponent(s) and teammate, as applicable, in advance. will be offering a Live Stream feature in the near future.
  • Player Profiles: provides player profiles to help you get to know your opponent prior to a game, to protect Members you may not use or abuse any player profile information for any reason whatsoever out side of the website or mobile app.

Qualifying for State and Regional Playoffs
  • In order to qualify for the playoffs, a player will need to achieve a top 10% ranking in their age, rating and gender category.
  • Ranking will be in the order of total points won minus total points lost. Remaining total points won will determine ranking. If there is a tie in total points won, the next determining rank will be total games won minus total games lost. Singles and Doubles Playoffs will be a Round Robin format where all of the players play one another in a lottery-based team pairing (for Doubles).
  • Singles will play every combination of players.
  • The winning player is chosen based on win-loss records.
  • If there is a tie, then the tie is broken based on head-to-head matches.
  • If there is still a tie, then the tie is broken by point differential.
  • If a tie remains after point differential, then the tie is broken by head-to-head point differential.
  • If there is still a tie, then the final tie breaker is by point differential against the next-highest player.
  • The playoffs will occur directly after the season has ended.
  • If there are not enough players, regions may be grouped or cancelled all together.
  • There will be a separate fee to participate in State and Regional Playoffs playoffs.
  • State and Regional Playoffs will be announced once they have been confirmed. Some regions may be larger than others depending on the number of sign-up's. You must sign-up in the region of residence failure to do so may result in disqualification to participate in your local region. You may change regions if you change residence during the season by contacting and letting us know of your change of residence.

Breaking League Rules
  • First infraction: Anyone caught submitting false game scores will first receive a WARNING.
  • Second infraction: All subsequent games will require a mandatory video certification to be submitted with the player’s score submission.
  • Third infraction: League Suspension with NO REFUNDS and they may be banned from playing in any games for one year. Any player trying to circumvent a ban will be barred from playing in the for life.
  • Any complaints of poor sportsmanship, abuse, cheating, etc... will be dealt with the Commissioner, and/or the local League Ambassador. All decisions are FINAL.